Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Alumni Speaker Series
NIU Announcements
Please join Chonita Stewart-Day, an NIU alum from the School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders (AHCD), for a presentation titled "Workplace Competencies – Things I Didn’t Have Time to Learn in School." This is part of the AHCD Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Alumni Speaker Series.
Dial-In Information
Please join us via Zoom.
https://niu-edu.zoom.us/j/84621189141?pwd=Nm94NU1zWnFENStQR3JXL1BuZjRDZz09 ; Meeting ID: 846 2118 9141 Passcode: 134331
Wednesday, March 22 at 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Virtual Event
